Online ticket sales have closed for this event. A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at the museum front desk.
At the age of 18, Rachel Calof, a Jewish picture bride, emigrated from Russia to North Dakota to make a new life as a homesteader. The open sky and endless prairie serve as a backdrop for Rachel’s story of persistence, struggle, vulnerability, and resilience in the face of adversity. A one-woman show performed by actress Kate Fuglei, Rachel Calof is adapted for stage by Ken LaZebnik with original music composed by Leslie Steinweiss.
Space is limited. Fee: McNay and JCC members free; nonmembers $10; educators and students with I.D. $5. Scholarships available for two SAY Sí students. For more information, call 210.805.1768. Registration deadline is December 10.
Rachel Calof: A Memoir with Music is generously underwritten by Jane Stieren Lacy.